So last night she said that she found the end of the rainbow and a pot of gold and a leprechaun.
For those of you who don't know what that looks like...

So there you go. Yeah, I know it looks like the lucky charms cereal... But it's not. Really.
I just looked up, is the end of the rainbow with a pot of gold and a leprechaun real?
And this came up,

Leprechauns are little magical hoppity green creatures commonly confused with the Irish. Although by large most of them are, in fact, actually Swedish, most Leprechauns deny any connection to the Swedes, preferring to claim they are of French, Russian, or African descent. Leprechauns are not to be confused with little people, them what used to be known in some parts as midgets.
It doesn't really look like the guy for Lucky Charms...
And apparently, Leprechauns eat small twigs and berries, along with the occasional turd.
So maybe it is true!
Maybe Andrew's a leprechaun!
Andrew's a leprechaun. *nods*
I know he is 1/4 Irish.
Okay...interesting...very very
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