Saturday, July 26, 2008


So... We're in Alabama... That's about it! Bye.

Hahahahaha!!! Just kidding!!!!! Ha! You believed me! :P
So... Alabama...
It's hot. It's summer here too! Ain't that somethin'? :P We got here Thursday evening. It took us like 14 hours to get here. Which was a real pain. With some many kids... I felt like jumping out of the car... But that would have pointless. Anyway, We basically had pizza and showered and went to bed.

We didn't really do much but swim a little and ate lunch and dinner... Oh and we watched National Treasure 2. I love those movies soooo much.

I was like the last one to get up this morning... And it was only nine something Alabama time!!!!!! I don't know how they wake up so early and not take a nap later in the day.
Anyway, Mr. Kutz made us some of their famous pancakes. It was really good.
After that, we got ready to go out to different places. We went to the University of North Alabama and walked around a little bit and then went to eat. We went to some chicken n' biscuits place. I forget what the name was called... They had good biscuits... But I think KFC is better.
After that, we went to some park that has a playground and some water thingy.... It like shoots up water from the ground... Whatever those things are called. After that, some of us went to Mass cause Becca had to sing. She did a really good job. I didn't even know she could sing... Which is kinda funny cause we've known them for years... So yeah... That's about it for today... I'll let you know how everything goes tomorrow.
See ya!!

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